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DIY Book page Christmas Tree Ornaments

I wanted to gift an author friend of mine something fun for Christmas. I’m a big fan of meaningful gifts, especially when it helps you stay within your budget, so I decided to make her a book themed set of ornaments.

This was a fun and simple craft project, perfect for crafting while a Christmas movie plays!

Since this friend wrote one of my favorite YA fantasy series (The Starchaser Saga by R. Dugan—you’re welcome), I decided to use a scratch and dent copy of one of those books to make the ornaments.

Lightfall has a winter setting and includes a Christmas-like fantasy holiday, so I pulled those pages specifically for a romantic, Christmasy feel when you’re close enough to read the ornaments. 🤭

I really love how these ornaments turned out! The book pages look so good after being painted with green watercolors and fixed to wooden Christmas trees. I’m looking forward to making some more in the future!

Want to make your own DIY book page Christmas tree ornaments?

Follow the steps below and enjoy your new bookish holiday decor!

What you’ll need:

  • Wooden ornaments (I got an 8 pack from Dollar Tree that included twine for hanging)
  • Green watercolor paint
  • Pages from a book*
  • Glue
  • Mod Podge spray

*Using an old or damaged copy of an extra book can be helpful if you feel a bit guilty about ripping out some pages to use for the craft.


  1. Choose which pages you’d like to use for your ornaments. I themed mine to a fantasy holiday and wintery scenes, which included a fave romantic moment as well.
  1. Gently tear out the page(s) you want to use.
  1. On a covered surface, lightly go over the page(s) with watercolors. Let dry.
  1. Once dry, carefully tear the page into strips, making sure the lines you want visible will show on the ornament. You’ll be layering strips, so consider placement before gluing down!
  1. Apply glue to the ornament, then layer your book page pieces. Be careful! The pages can tear a bit when wet with the glue.
  1. Let dry. Repeat on the back side of the ornament so both sides are bookish! Let that side dry as well.
  1. In a well-ventilated space, spray a thin layer of Mod Podge on one side of the ornament. Once dry, flip and spray the other side.
  1. Tie twine through the ornament loop and hang on your tree!

That’s it! You’re ready to enjoy your new book page ornaments or gift to a friend!

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