Smoke and Light
A kingdom at war.
A search for missing memories.
And a tangled web of love, loss, loyalty, and lies.

After months of recovery, Khara Laveya is desperate to leave the medical wing and restore the memories she lost in a brutal rebel attack. Her responsibility to her kingdom as future Sovereigna is a looming distraction from reclaiming them.
Torn between duty and desperation, Khara is haunted by a mysterious grove that calls to her in her dreams. Finding the grove may lead to her missing memories, but venturing beyond the city walls is an act of treason. Worse, it risks another encounter with the ruthless rebel forces.
To enter the forest could mean death … or something far more sinister.
The secrets lurking in the shadows could destroy the life Khara has sacrificed so much to rebuild and unravel the kingdom itself.
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ebook ISBN 979-8-9887333-2-4 • paperback ISBN 979-8-9887333-0-0 • hardcover ISBN 979-8-9887333-1-7

Content Guide
Smoke and Light is an upper young adult fantasy novel with new adult crossover appeal. While the story maintains a hopeful tone and YA / PG-13 rating, it contains depictions of violence, memory loss, medical trauma, mental health rep and trauma responses, emotional manipulation, and questionable consent. If you’d like to review content for yourself or your teen, you can access a full content guide here. Please be aware that the content guide contains major spoilers for the book!

“…a triumph of a novel that demands to be experienced more than once.”
–R. Dugan, Author of A Story Spun in Scarlet

“Keeps you HOOKED.”
–Didi, early reader

“Unique and beautiful … the perfect blend of magic and mystery.”
–Abigail, early reader

The Characters

KHARA is floundering as she tries to re-enter her life as the future Sovereigna of Anluan after a brutal rebel attack. She’s doing her best to learn everything she needs to know to be the best ruler and fiancée possible and feel worthy of her honored position as one of the rare people born in the sacred Isiraden Forest.
But no matter what she does, it doesn’t feel like enough when Ramsey’s shouldering so much and the rebels are inching closer. She’s determined to get her memories back, even if it means breaking the law and venturing into rebel territory. When it’s for the good of the kingdom, it’s worth the risk … right?
RAMSEY, Sovereign of Anluan, is Khara’s fiancé and best friend since they were young. He adores Khara, always has. Since he almost lost her in the rebel attack, he’s more determined than ever to keep her close, safe, and happy. It’s time to put a stop to the rebels once and for all, and restore Anluan to everything it should be.

HAYDEN, leader of the rebels, has a certain reputation among the Anluani people since the outbreak of war two years ago. His lightning magic is powerful, dangerous, an important part of Anluani history, and a pain for the guards trying to keep imports from the other Diamond Kingdoms out of rebel hands. Hayden has a vision for Anluan that clashes with Ramsey’s—despite them growing up together like brothers—and he’s prepared to fight to gain control of Anluan.

“Wow, what a ride! Hate, love, friendship, magic. It has everything!”
–Sindy, early reader

“A definite page-turner.”
–Marije, early reader
The World
Get ready to enter the divided city-kingdom of Anluan, where magic and science meet and modern royalty faces off against daring rebels!

THE DIAMOND KINGDOMS make up an isolated peninsula that’s divided into five allied city-kingdoms. Each one is governed by a ruling family that has been in power for generations. These royal families each have ties to elemental magic, as do the gifted among their people. While the ruling families have control over their individual city-kingdoms, the Diamond Kingdoms form a consul where they come together to make decisions for the good of the land as a whole.
ANLUAN is the central city-kingdom and the heart of the alliance. It’s also home to the sacred Isiraden Forest, where magic originated. Its magic is harvested under regulation and is part of the reason for some of Anluan’s technological and scientific advancements.
Anluan is where Smoke and Light takes place, two years after the outbreak of civil war. The city is surrounded by thick, stone walls that keep the people safely inside the city and the rebels outside of it. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work …
The Diamond Kingdoms are interesting to explore as magic has fueled scientific and technological advancements. This gives the world a unique, semi-modern feel, despite all of the old-world heritage. You can read more about that here!
If you love lush, magical worlds with some modern flair, Anluan and the Diamond Kingdoms will be fun for you to explore!